Advanced Installation TopicsMS Dynamics AX 2012 Changes

MS Dynamics AX 2012 Changes

Sana Commerce 8.2
Your provider

New Tables

The table below provides the description of the new tables in AX, including the fields:

Table Name Field ID Field Name Type Description
SC_DataValidationRulesLine 60001 ErrorTxt String Error message
SC_DataValidationRulesLine 60002 Operator Enum Operator
SC_DataValidationRulesLine 60003 ValidationFieldId Integer Field ID
SC_DataValidationRulesLine 60004 ValidationTableId Integer Table ID
SC_DataValidationRulesLine 60005 Value String Value
SC_DataValidationRulesTable 60001 Active Enum Determines whether the validation rule is activated
SC_DataValidationRulesTable 60002 ValidationTableId Integer Table ID
SC_ItemVisibilityRulesTable 60001 AccountCode Enum Account code
SC_ItemVisibilityRulesTable 60002 AccountRelation String Account selection
SC_ItemVisibilityRulesTable 60003 ItemCode Enum Item code
SC_ItemVisibilityRulesTable 60004 ItemRelation String Item relation
SC_ItemVisibilityRulesTable 60005 Mode Enum Mode
SC_LanguageParametersTable 60001 LanguageId String Language ID
SC_LanguageParametersTable 60002 LocaleId Integer Windows language ID
SC_ManualProcessRequestsTable 60001 FileAccessedDate Date File date last accessed
SC_ManualProcessRequestsTable 60002 FileCreatedDate Date File date created
SC_ManualProcessRequestsTable 60003 FileModifiedDate Date File date last modified
SC_ManualProcessRequestsTable 60004 FileName String File name
SC_ManualProcessRequestsTable 60005 FilePath String File path
SC_ManualProcessRequestsTable 60006 FileSize Integer File size
SC_ManualProcessRequestsTable 60007 FileType String File type
SC_ManualProcessRequestsTable 60008 UserId String User ID
SC_ManualRequestsSetupTable 60001 ExtReqTool String Request external tool
SC_ManualRequestsSetupTable 60002 ExtResTool String Response external tool
SC_ManualRequestsSetupTable 60003 OutputDir String Response output directory
SC_ManualRequestsSetupTable 60004 UserId String User ID
SC_OrderImportInformation 60001 ImportDate DateTime Order import date
SC_OrderImportInformation 60002 OrderModifiedDate DateTime Order modified date
SC_OrderImportInformation 60003 OrderType Enum Order document type
SC_OrderImportInformation 60004 SalesId String Sales order ID
SC_OrderImportInformation 60005 SanaOrderNum String Sana order number
SC_OrderImportInformation 60006 WebshopId String Webshop ID
SC_InventGroupTxt 60001 ItemGroupId String Item group ID
SC_InventGroupTxt 60002 LanguageId String Specifies the language the text is used in
SC_InventGroupTxt 60003 Txt String Specifies text in the current language
SC_FilterWebShopsTable 60001 FieldName String Field name
SC_FilterWebShopsTable 60002 FilterStr String Filter string
SC_FilterWebShopsTable 60003 WebShopId String Webshop ID
SC_ParametersTable 60001 DefaultLocationId String Default location ID
SC_ParametersTable 60002 DefaultSiteId String Default site ID
SC_ParametersTable 60003 EnableLog Enum Enable logging
SC_ParametersTable 60004 FileLogPath String Logging output directory
SC_ParametersTable 60005 Key Integer Key
SC_WebShopsTable 60001 PaymentCostAccount String Payment cost account
SC_WebShopsTable 60002 ShippingCostAccount String Shipping cost account
SC_WebShopsTable 60003 TemplateCustAccount String Template customer code
SC_WebShopsTable 60004 TemplatePaymentCode String Payment method code
SC_WebShopsTable 60005 WebShopId String Webshop ID
Advanced Installation TopicsMS Dynamics AX 2012 Changes