Add-ons and ModulesOrder Line Import

Order Line Import

Sana Commerce 8.3
Your provider

Configure Order Line Import for NAV

The order line import functionality uses the Sana Commerce task scheduler. For more information about the task scheduler read this chapter.

The configuration of the order line import is performed in the 'sanaCommerce' configuration section of the backoffice 'web.config' file.

To configure the 'Order line import' task:

Step 1: Open the backoffice 'web.config' file.

Step 2: Locate the 'SanaCommerce' configuration section.

Step 3: Locate the 'tasks' subsection:

<task name="OrderLineImport"
   title="Order lines import"
   type="Sana.Commerce.Tasks.OrderLineImport.OrderLineImportTask, Sana.Commerce.Tasks.Interfaces"

Step 4: Check the following configuration nodes and change them if needed:

Configuration nodes Description
time/interval The daily time or period (in seconds) when the 'Order Statuses Import' task should be performed
sourceOrderProviderId The identifier of the order provider, which is selected from the 'Sana Commerce - Modules' configuration section of the 'web.config' file
destinationWebsiteCode   The webshop where the order statuses will be imported to. It is selected from the 'Sana Commerce - Sites' configuration section of the 'web.config' file
allowManualStart   This parameter is 'true' by default and it specifies that the task can be started manually in the backoffice
sortNumber   The sort order in which the scheduled tasks are arranged in the backoffice

All configuration nodes are required parameters and must be filled in.
Add-ons and ModulesOrder Line Import