InstallationSetup Web and Database Server

Setup Web and Database Server

Sana Commerce 8.3
Your provider


You can use the following checklist to see whether your hosting environment meets the minimum hardware, software and network requirements. Next paragraphs will help you to fulfill this checklist:

Hosting Checklist for Sana Commerce
           Does the (combined) web server and database server environment meet the hardware requirements (specify the server specifications)?
   Is a supported operating system installed on the (combined) web server and database server (specify the installed operating system)?
  Is IIS installed on the web server (specify IIS version)?
  Is there a SMTP service available (specify host, port, username and password)?
  Is SQL Server with management studio installed on the database server (specify port, instance, username and password of the Sysadmin user)?
  Is a remote desktop connection to the (combined) web server and database server available (specify how to connect)?
  Is there a remote user (local admin) on the (combined) web server and database server (specify username and password)?
  Is a VPN connection online (specify IP address of AX/NAV server to connect to from the web server)?
  Does the hosting location meet the network requirements (specify 'client to web server' and 'web server to AX/NAV server' connection details)?
InstallationSetup Web and Database Server