User GuideMobile App Getting Started

Mobile App Getting Started

Sana Commerce 8.3
Your provider

First Use

        When the webshop domain and credentials have been entered, wait until the Sana Mobile app synchronizes all data for the first use. The internet connection is required. It may take some time to download all data (customers and catalog data). When all data is synchronized, the app can work entirely offline. While the data is synchronizing you can read a short explanation of several features that is presented for the first time users.
  Use the  icon at the top right corner to represent a customer on behalf of whom you can place an order. The order can be placed only if you represent a customer.

  Use the dashboard (homepage) and application bar, which can be opened by swiping to the right from the left side of the screen, to navigate through the app.

  Use View catalog to browse the products catalogs. On tablet devices products catalog can be presented either in the gallery or list mode. Catalog presentation can be changed in the app settings. Products can be individually added to the basket.

  Use New order to place an order from the shopping basket. This feature allows to add as many products as needed from a single page (basket) and will guide you through the entire checkout flow. To create an order you can either enter an item number, title or barcode in a search field to find a product and add it to the basket or you can turn on the scan mode and use the barcode scanner.
  Use Prepare your trip to download customer specific assortments and prices for up to 10 customers. Select customers and tap 'Prepare your trip'. This allows to see customer specific assortments and prices for the selected customers even if your device is not connected to the internet.
  Use Order info to see the history of orders. The orders are shown per represented customer.


  Use Customer info to see the list of all assigned to the sales agent customers and their information, like names and addresses.


  Use Sync data to synchronize data with your ERP system if your device is connected to the internet. You can choose what data should be synchronized: settings, customers, catalog or orders.


  On the application bar on the left tap Settings. In the application settings you can change the language of the Sana Mobile app, show/hide prices and stock, change catalog presentation.

For the detailed description of the app, all its features and content management, see Sana Mobile App and Mobile App Management.

User GuideMobile App Getting Started