
Sana Commerce 9.0
Your connector

Set up Veritrans Test Account

There are a few prerequisite that you should complete before integrating with Veritrans:

Step 1: Register for Veritrans Sandbox account.

Sandbox is utilized for development period. Data and transaction made on this account will not trigger an actual purchase. Register for Veritrans Sandbox account here.

Step 2: Fill in the required information in the Veritrans Merchant Admin Portal (MAP) under: Settings > General Settings.

Step 3: Take a note of your account Access Keys under: Settings > Access Keys.

Step 4: Configure Redirection URL under: Settings > Configuration.

Customer will be returned to your web site after payment process is completed.

Configure Redirection URL in the following way:

Name URL
Payment Notification URL http://[your web store domain]/confirm/veritrans
Finish Redirect URL http://[your web store domain]/checkout/ordersubmit
Unfinish Redirect URL http://[your web store domain]/checkout/ordersubmit
Error Redirect URL http://[your web store domain]/checkout/orderfailed

 Please enter the URLs with the http:// or https:// protocol.
Finish, Unfinish and Error Redirect URLs are optional. They will be automatically used by Sana.

Step 5: There are several payment methods that can be used with VT-Web. You can see all available payment methods under: Settings > Payment methods.

All available payment methods are activated by default and will be shown on the VT-Web payment page. Therefore, you can disable the unnecessary payment methods.