Sana User GuideWeb Pages

Web Pages

Sana Commerce 9.2
Your connector

URL Redirects


There is a Sana add-on which can be used to import URL redirects from a CSV file. The add-on can be downloaded from the Sana Community web site and installed inside Sana. Only the registered Sana partners can access Sana Community. If you are a customer and you want to install the add-on, please contact your Sana partner or Sana project manager. For more information, see 'Import URL Redirects'.

In Sana Admin click: Web pages > URL redirects.

URL redirects are used to create the alias-based short URLs, for example:

It allows you to use alias-based short URLs in promotions for the webshop.

An alias is easier to remember than a full path. It can contain strong words which will improve the ranking in search engines.

To create URL redirect:

Step 1: On the URL redirects page click New item.

Step 2: Identify an appropriate alias. Use the most common word or a phrase for a page to which a redirect will be created.


The Alias field should NOT contain any of these special characters:

                             # {} [] | \ ^ <> *

'?' is allowed only if the URL contains some parameters, for example /shop/Product.aspx?code=0102023&category=notebooks

Step 3: Set the internal page or external URL:

  • Internal page - to create a redirect to the page within a webstore. These pages are language-independent. Select a page to which a redirect should be created.
    You can also create a blank page that will be automatically selected as the internal page and fill it with content later on.
  • External URL - to create a redirect to the external website. A redirect to the language-specific page within a webstore can be created also. A link of the external website or language-specific page within a webstore must be copied to the External URL field.
    If you enter external URL it should be specified with the protocol at the beginning of the URL, for example:

When you are redirected to the language-independent page, it will be opened in the language which has been used during the last webstore visit.

If you are redirected to the page and have not entered the webstore before, it will be opened using the default language of the webstore.

Step 4: Select a status code to specify how a Web browser issues a new request at a different location. You can either select the Permanent checkbox to send the 'Permanent (301)' status code to the client or do not select and use the default option which sends the 'Found (302)' status code.

Status code Description
Found (302) Used to tell the Web client to issue a new request to the location. This is the default option.
Permanent (301) Used to tell the Web client that the location for the requested resource has permanently changed.

On the URL redirects page you can search for a specific URL redirect by alias and sort all URL redirects by alias and permanent status.

Sana User GuideWeb Pages