
Sana Commerce 9.3
Your connector

Configure Payment Methods

When the Adyen payment provider is configured in Sana Admin, you need to set up the necessary payment methods supported by Adyen.

Set up payment methods

Step 1: In Sana Admin click: Setup > Ordering & checkout > Payment methods.
Step 2: On the Payment methods tab create and configure the necessary payment methods.
For more information about how to create and configure payment methods in Sana Admin, see "Payment Methods".

The table below provides description of the Adyen payment provider specific fields:

Fields Description
Allowed methods A comma-separated list of the allowed payment methods to filter the payment method options that would normally be available through the skinned hosted payment page.
Only the listed payment methods are shown, if available; all other payment methods are ignored.
Blocked methods A comma-separated list of the not allowed payment methods to filter the payment method options that would normally be available through the skinned hosted payment page.
The listed payment methods are not available on the hosted payment page.
End point name Required to provide the correct endpoint URL type.
  • For Hosted Payment Pages (Multiple), select the value "select". In this case, all available payment methods will be shown on the payment page.
  • For Hosted Payment Pages (Single), select the value "pay". In this case, the payment brand will be auto detected by the card number.
  • For Hosted Payment Pages (Details), select the value "details". In this case, you need to enter the necessary payment brand supported by Adyen in the "Brand code" field. A customer will be automatically redirected to the corresponding payment page.
  • For Hosted Payment Pages (Skip details) with validation, select the value "skipDetails". In this case, you need to enter the necessary payment brand supported by Adyen in the "Brand code" field. A customer will be automatically redirected to the corresponding payment page.
Brand code Required to define the payment method selection.
Example: diners, discover, amex, mc, visa, maestro, ideal, bankTransfer_IBAN, Sepadirectdebit

      If the payment mode is set to "details" or "skipDetails", the brand code is required.

Pay by email If you enable this payment method, the payment link will be shown in the payment email. Using this payment link, the shopper will be redirected to the Adyen hosted payment page to complete payment. The order will be automatically updated when payment is made through the Adyen Notification system.
Address Verification System (AVS) Address Verification System (AVS) is a security feature that verifies the billing address of the card holder. The system will check the billing address of the credit card provided by the user with the address on file at the credit card company. Another security feature for the credit card includes the CVV2 number.

AVS is only supported for a limited set of acquiring connections and only for the following countries: Canada, the United Kingdom, and the USA.

AVS-supported card types: Visa, MasterCard.

American Express supports AVS as an additional fraud check in all countries that issue American Express cards.

If you want to enable AVS in your web shop, the following data is mandatory: Address, Address 1, City, Zip code/Postal code, State and Country. 

Billing Address in HPP should If AVS is enabled, then you should select one of the AVS options.
  • AllowToEdit - address is visible and can be modified on the hosted payment page (HPP).
  • VisibleOnly - address is visible, but cannot be modified on the hosted payment page (HPP).
  • Hide - address is not visible, but AVS is checking for the correct result.
OneClick Payment If a significant portion of your business consists of the returning shoppers, you can use the CVC-only functionality of the Adyen payment system to store card details used by the shoppers. This way, the returning shoppers store their credit card details, and they can pay by entering the card security code (CVC/CVV) before completing the order and confirming the purchase.

    If you use OneClick payments, make sure that OneClick options are disabled in your Skin configuration in the Adyen BackOffice, since this functionality is enabled in Sana Admin.


The settings "Pay by email", "Address Verification System (AVS)" and "OneClick Payment" can be configured in the Adyen BackOffice. But if you want to use them in Sana, you must set up these settings in Sana Admin. Configuration of these settings in the Adyen BackOffice will be ignored.

Test the payment flow to see if everything works fine using the created payment methods.