
Sana Commerce 9.3
Your connector

Configure Ingenico

When the Ingenico payment provider is configured in the Ingenico Back Office, it should be also configured in Sana Admin.

Set up Ingenico

Step 1: In Sana Admin click: Apps > Add-ons. When the Ingenico add-on is installed, you can configure it from any tab on the "Add-ons" page by clicking on the Configure button

Step 2: Choose the appropriate payment integration mode.

There are two modes: test and live. Test mode allows to simulate the payment process as if it is a real payment and helps to make sure that everything will behave the same way when you go live. Live mode implies that a customer makes a real purchase using already configured payment provider and methods.

Step 3: Configure the payment provider by entering the payment provider specific settings of the test/ live account.

The table below provides the description of the Ingenico payment provider fields:

This parameter may have the same value as PSPID.
Field Description
ID of payment service provider The affiliation name in the Ingenico system (account ID).
The ID of API User The credentials of the API user. You can find the user name on the account's user management page in the Ingenico BackOffice.

The API user can be the same as the ID of payment service provider.

The password of API user
SHA in deliminator Hash keys must be configured both in the Ingenico Back Office and in Sana Admin to check the data which is sent. Make sure that the values of these parameters are the same in the Ingenico Back Office and in Sana Admin; otherwise an error will be thrown.
SHA out deliminator
Operation Possible only for direct payments. Authorization is not supported. The value of the "Operation" parameter should be left empty or set to "SAL". The "SAL" value for maintenance operations is used for partial data capture (payment), leaving the transaction open for a possible other data capture.
Hash algorithm This parameter is used to check/prepare hash of parameters. The value of this parameter must be the same in the Ingenico Back Office (SHA512) and in Sana Admin; otherwise the security error will occur.