InstallationScalable Installation Options

Scalable Installation Options

Multiple NAV 2009 Server Services

It is possible to set up separate NAV 2009 Server services for each Sana Commerce subsystem. Each of these services can be set up either on one computer or on separate computers to distribute the load. When you set up the services on the separate computers you can use the default installation process using the MSI package.
If you want to set up several services on one computer, the first service can be installed in the default way (MSI) but the other ones should be installed manually using SC command through the Windows command line.
To create a second service:
  • Copy the existing (default) service directory and paste it into the new 'Service2' directory;
  • Use the following command to install new service:
    SC CREATE MicrosoftDynamicsNAVServer$NAV2 binpath= "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60\Service2\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Server.exe $NAV2" DisplayName= "Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Instance 2" start= auto
  • Use the following command to setup new NAV 2009 WebService service:
    SC CREATE "MicrosoftDynamicsNAVWS$NAV2 " binpath= "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60\Service2\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Server.exe $NAV2" DisplayName= "Microsoft Dynamics NAV Business Web Services Instance 2" type= share

  • Please note that the 'space' symbol should be present after the '=' sign. This is the specific requirement of the SC command.
 Using this method you can install the number of services you need for Sana Commerce subsystems.
You should set up all the necessary SPN's, delegations and rights for each of the services. For more information about the setup process read the chapter 'NAV 2009 Three-tiered Environment' earlier.
To set the service port number and database name:
  • Open the 'CustomSettings.config' file, which is in: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60\Service;
  • Locate the tag with key 'WebServicePort' (by default the port number 7047):
<add key="WebServicePort" value="7047"></add>
  • Locate the tag with key 'DatabaseName':
<add key="DatabaseName" value="Demo Database NAV (6-0)"></add>
Now you need to configure connectionStrings in the web.config:
  • Open the web.config of the Sana Commerce frontend web application in any text editor;
  • Locate the connectionStrings configuration section and make sure a node for every NAV 2009 WebService is available. For example:
<remove name="LocalSqlServer"/>
<add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Data Source=server\SQL2005;Initial Catalog=database;User Id=user;Password=pwd;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
<add name="CatalogCustomerNav2009" connectionString="http://SERVERNAME:7047/DynamicsNAV/WS/COMPANYNAME/Codeunit/SC_NAV2009_WebService" />
<add name="OrderShopNav2009" connectionString="http://SERVERNAME:7049/DynamicsNAV2/WS/COMPANYNAME/Codeunit/SC_NAV2009_WebService" />
  • Select an appropriate name for these configuration nodes;
  • Locate the sanaCommerceLive modules section. All Sana Commerce subsystems are listed here;
  • Specify the name of the connection string in the Catalog and Customer subsystem, this name already has been specified in the connectionStrings section in the serviceConnection attribute of the provider node. In the example mentioned above, the name is CatalogCustomerNav2009;
  • Specify the name of the connection string in the Order and Shop subsystems, also this name already has been specified in the connectionStrings section in the serviceConnection attribute of the provider node. In the example, it is OrderShopNav2009;
  • Also a serviceConnection must be specified for the common subsystem. You can select either one of the NAV 2009 WebServices, It does not have any influence on the performance;
  • Open the web.config of the Sana Commerce backoffice web application in any text editor;
  • Since the backoffice only uses the catalog and content subsystems (content subsystem is not relevant at the moment), only one NAV 2009 WebService has to be configured here; the Catalog and Customer NAV 2009 WebService;
  • Change or add a configuration node for this NAV 2009 WebService in the same way as you have done in the front-end web.config. For consistency, you should give it the same name as used earlier, here this is 'CatalogCustomerNav2009';
  • Locate the sanaCommerceLive/modules/catalog configuration section and update the serviceConnection attribute to the name of the connection string specified in the connectionStrings section. In the example this is 'CatalogCustomerNav2009'.
InstallationScalable Installation Options