Add-ons and ModulesChargeLogic Connect

ChargeLogic Connect

Sana Commerce 8.3
Your provider

Configure a Test ChargeLogic Connect Payment Module

To add the ChargeLogic payment module to a project with a test account, please undertake the following steps:

Step 1: Request the ChargeLogic Connect test account at

Step 2: Copy the 'Sana.Commerce.Payment.ChargeLogic.Connect.dll', 'Sana.Commerce.Payment.ChargeLogic.Connect.pdb' and 'Sana.Commerce.Payment.ChargeLogic.Connect.xml' files from the 'bin' folder of the ChargeLogic Connect add-on package to the 'Frontend/bin' folder of Sana Commerce.

Step 3: Configure the Sana Commerce frontend to use the ChargeLogic payment module. This configuration is performed in the 'web.config' file of the Sana Commerce frontend:

  • Locate the 'ChargeLogic Connect configuration section.txt' file in the 'configuration' folder, which contains the ChargeLogic Credit Card payment module configuration section;

  • Copy the whole text of this file into the <payment-configuration> section of the 'web.config' file, it will look as follows:
<module name="ChargeLogic Credit Card" type="Sana.Commerce.Payment.ChargeLogic.Connect.ChargeLogicConnectPaymentModule, Sana.Commerce.Payment.ChargeLogic.Connect">
        <clear />
        <add name="RequireCvv" value="No" isRequestParameter="false" />
        <add name="StoreNo" value="[STORE NO./USERNAME]" isRequestParameter="false" />
        <add name="ApiKey" value="[API KEY/PASSWORD]" isRequestParameter="false" />
        <add name="ApplicationId" value="[APPLICATION ID]" isRequestParameter="false" />
        <add name="WebServiceNtlmDomain" value="[DOMAIN]" isRequestParameter="false" />
        <add name="PaymentPage" value="" isRequestParameter="true" />

Step 4: Specify the values of 'Store No./Username', 'API Key/Password', 'Application ID' and 'Domain' which you have received from ChargeLogic.

Since March 31, 2018 ChargeLogic requires Basic authentication instead of NTLM. In the ChargeLogic add-on for Sana 8.3 SP1, the "WebServiceNtlmDomain" parameter is not used and you can skip it.

Step 5: Modify the value of the 'RequireCvv' parameter. If set to 'Yes' then the Card Verification Value (CVV) field will become mandatory for input on the ChargeLogic payment page. The default value is 'No'.

ChargeLogic PSP module supports only the credit card transaction type.

Step 6: Configure the web service client for the ChargeLogic payment module. This configuration is performed in the 'web.config' file of the Sana Commerce frontend:

  • Locate the 'ChargeLogic Connect WebApi configuration section' file in the 'configuration' folder, which contains the ChargeLogic payment module web API configuration section;

  • Copy the 'binding' section into the 'system.serviceModel/bindings/basicHtppBinding' section of the Sana Commerce frontend 'web.config' file. Copy the 'endpoint' section into the 'system.serviceModel/client' section. After that it will look as follows:

Sana Commerce 8.3 SP1

   <binding name="EFT_API_2_Binding">
    <security mode="Transport">
     <transport clientCredentialType="Basic" proxyCredentialType="Basic" />
  <endpoint name="EFT_API_2_Port" address= "" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="EFT_API_2_Binding" contract="WebApi.EFT_API_2_Port" />

Sana Commerce 8.3

      <binding name="EFT_API_2_Binding">
        <security mode="Transport">
          <transport clientCredentialType="Ntlm" proxyCredentialType="Ntlm" />
    <endpoint name="EFT_API_2_Port" address="" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="EFT_API_2_Binding" contract="WebApi.EFT_API_2_Port" />

Step 7: Configure the ChargeLogic payment methods. To do this execute the 'ConfigureChargeLogicConnectInDB.sql' SQL script on the Sana Commerce database. You can find the script in the 'scripts' folder of the ChargeLogic package.

Before running the script check the value of the '@siteId' variable and change it if needed to match the appropriate website identifier and check whether the currency is correct.

The 'ConfigureChargeLogicConnectInDB.sql' SQL script adds the 'ChargeLogic Credit Card' payment method.
This payment method will be available for all countries configured in the system. No translations for the payment method will be set by this script - this should be done manually. After the script has been executed, all fields should be checked for the correct values.

When the script has been executed, the 'ChargeLogic Credit Card' payment method can be seen in the Sana Commerce backoffice > Settings > Payment methods. Here you can manage the payment methods: edit or remove the existing payment methods or create and configure any other payment methods. If you need to use any other payment methods that are supported by the installed payment provider you can create and configure them on the 'Payment methods' page in the Sana Commerce backoffice. For more information about management of the payment methods in the Sana Commerce backoffice, see 'Payment methods'.

Step 8: In the ChargeLogic package find the 'files' folder, where the ChargeLogic payment method icon is stored. Copy the ChargeLogic payment method icon to the 'Payment Methods' folder of the Sana Commerce frontend: 'Frontend\content\files\content\PaymentMethods'.

This icon will be displayed on the frontend in the payment methods selection control.

Step 9: When all the changes are done, in the Sana Commerce backoffice click the 'Refresh site cache' button.

Step 10: Test the payment/checkout flow to see if everything works fine, using the newly configured payment method and the correct payment statuses that are set.

Add-ons and ModulesChargeLogic Connect