Add-ons and ModulesChargeLogic Connect

ChargeLogic Connect

Sana Commerce 8.3
Your provider

ChargeLogic Connect Specific Configuration Values

The table below provides the description of the ChargeLogic Connect payment module configuration values:

Name Description
RequireCvv If set to 'Yes' then the Card Verification Value (CVV) field will become mandatory for input on the ChargeLogic payment page.
Default value: No
StoreNo The Store No./Username which is provided by ChargeLogic.
ApiKey The API Key/Password which is provided by ChargeLogic.
ApplicationId The Application ID which is provided by ChargeLogic.
WebServiceNtlmDomain The Web Service NTLM Domain which is provided by ChargeLogic.

Since March 31, 2018 ChargeLogic requires Basic authentication instead of NTLM. In the ChargeLogic add-on for Sana 8.3 SP1, the "WebServiceNtlmDomain" parameter is not used and you can skip it.

PaymentPage The URL to the ChargeLogic Connect hosted payment page. A user is redirected to this URL from the webshop when the 'Pay' button is clicked.
The default value should be used only.
Default value:

More detailed information about general configuration values of the external payment method can be found here.

If you want to post some optional parameters open the 'web.config' file of the Sana Commerce frontend. Locate the <payment-configuration> node in the <sanaCommerce> configuration section, where several modules are defined, which implement different payment methods. The 'ChargeLogic Credit Card' module is only needed. Here you can add the new configuration entry in the following format:

<add name="[parameter name]" value="[parameter value]" isRequestParameter="true" />
Add-ons and ModulesChargeLogic Connect