User GuideSAP Business One

SAP Business One

Web Store Catalog Overview

The Web Store Catalog Overview form in SAP Business One simulates the web store behavior and it is used to check and see an overview of all product prices, stock, last modified date of a product, products orderability and visibility of the related web store. If a product is not orderable you can see the reason of this.

To see an overview of the web store catalog click: Web Store > Web Store Catalog Overview.

The table below provides the filter description:

Field name Field description
Web Store Name Used to select the web store with a template customer for prices and inventory calculation.
If the web store filters are set on the web store form, they will be also applied.
Visible in Web Store Three values are available:
  • All: show all products of the web store
  • Yes: show only visible in web store products
  • No: show only not visible in web store products
Orderable Filter Three values are available:
  • All: show all products of the web store
  • Yes: show only orderable products
  • No: show only not orderable products
Account Type Used to select the account type. Available account types:
  • Customer
  • Contact
  • Sales person
Account Code Used to select the account number of a specific customer/ contact/ sales person.

Account of the Customer type calculates prices and inventory for the selected customer.
Account of the Contact type calculates prices and inventory for the related contact customer account.
Account of the Sales person type allows to represent a customer and calculate prices and inventory for the represented customer.

Represent Customer No. Used to show all customers related to the sales person account selected in the Account Code field.
When the represented customer is selected, prices and inventory will be calculated for this customer.
Items to Show The quantity of products which will be shown in the window.

In the lower pane of the Web Store Catalog Overview form the general information about the selected in the filter customer is shown or template customer, set in the web store form, if no customer is selected.

Use Update Visibility to make all items visible/invisible in the web store. By setting up visibility status to Yes you can make either all items visible in web store or only those that are orderable if the Check Orderability check box is selected. If in the Set Visible Status dropdown No is selected, then all items will be made invisible in the web store. You can also use item range to set up visibility of items that are in a certain range.

You can open the item master data of any item as well as business partner master data selected in the filter directly from the Web Store Catalog Overview form. Any product can be made visible/ invisible in the web store directly from here using the Visible In Web Store check box.

User GuideSAP Business One