User GuideSettings


VAT Management

You can set the VAT rate for the payment cost and shipping cost. This VAT rate is used for all payment methods and shipping costs of the webshop. The VAT rate is set to calculate the total VAT per order.

The payment cost and shipping cost VAT rates can be configured in the backoffice at the following location: Settings -> Checkout.

To configure the VAT rates they should be imported from NAV first:

Step 1: Go to the following location in the backoffice: Settings -> Scheduled tasks.

Step 2: Run the 'Product Import' task.

When the 'Product Import' task is finished the VAT rates are imported from NAV and become available in the VAT rates dropdown in the backoffice.
More detailed information about scheduled tasks can be found here.

After the VAT rates have been imported from NAV you can set them in the backoffice.

The VAT rates in the backoffice must correspond to the VAT rates of the G/L accounts in NAV which are used in the order export process.

To check the corresponding VAT rates in NAV and to configure them in the backoffice:

Step 1: Go to the following location in NAV: Departments -> Webshop -> Webshops.

Step 2: Open the webshop card and go to the 'Import/Export' tab.

Step 3: Check which G/L accounts are set in the 'Import Shipping Cost No.' and 'Import Payment Cost No.' fields:

The 'Webshop' Card

Step 4: Go to: Departments -> Financial Management -> General Ledger -> Chart of Accounts.

Step 5: Find the corresponding G/L accounts which are set in the webshop card.

Step 6: Open the 'G/L Account' card (the 'Posting' tab) and check which VAT rate is set in the 'VAT Prod. Posting Group' field (Check both G/L accounts: for import shipping cost and import payment cost):

The 'G/L Account' Card

Step 7: Go to the following location in the backoffice: Settings -> Checkout.

Step 8: Select the payment cost and shipping cost VAT rates which correspond to the VAT rates of the related G/L accounts in NAV:

Payment Cost and Shipping Cost VAT Rates Configuration

Now the VAT rates for payment and shipping costs are set.

User GuideSettings