Sana User GuideSana Mobile App

Sana Mobile App

Sana Commerce 9.2
Your connector

Checkout & Order Info

To place an order a sales agent should:

  1. Represent a customer.
  2. Add products to the basket.
  3. Recalculate the basket if your device is connected to the internet to see basket details, like discounts, shipping cost, VAT/TAX. If your device is not connected to the internet you can still place an order which will be stored locally on your device and once your device is connected to the internet you can synchronize the orders and send to the ERP system.
  4. In the basket tap Proceed to checkout and select your shipping address or enter the custom shipping address:

    Shipping Addresses

    Note, that sales taxes are calculated based on the selected shipping address of the represented customer.

    The possibility to enter the custom shipping address can be enabled/disabled in Sana Admin: Setup >Ordering and  checkout > Shipping > Business shipping adress .

  5. When the shipping address is selected you will see the basket contents with the selected shipping address and basket details:

    Basket Contents

    On the Basket contents page the sales agent can tap Additional information where you can enter the reference no, comments, requested delivery date and signature. The signature is stored locally and can be seen on the order details page.:

    Additional Information

  6. Tap Place order. If your device is connected to the internet, the order will be automatically synchronized and sent to the ERP system. In this case you will see the pop-up message that the local orders are successfully sent to the ERP system.

    If not, then the order will be stored locally on your device and when the device is connected to the internet the locally stored orders can be synchronized and sent to the ERP system.

When the order has been placed you can see the Order complete page:

Order Complete

From the Order complete page you can:

Option Description
Print order confirm Generate the PDF file that can be printed. The order confirmation can be printed from the Order complete page, when the order has been placed, and from the Order details page.
Mail order confirm Send the order details in the PDF format by e-mail. The e-mail with the attached PDF file is sent to the represented customer using the default e-mail app on the device. The order confirmation can be sent by e-mail from the Order complete page, when the order has been placed, and from the Order details page.
View order details See the details of the order that has been just placed.
New order Create a new order.
Continue to dashboard Open the dashboard.

Sales agents can see order history and check which orders are synchronized and which not. The order history can be opened either from the application bar or dashboard. Tap Order info to open the order history. Orders are stored per represented customer.

Order Info

If you have orders which have not been synchronized yet and your device is connected to the internet you can tap Sync data either on the application bar or dashboard and then select Upload Order Data to send the locally stored orders to the ERP system.

On the Order info page you can search for a specific order by its number and filter the orders by type and date as well as customer. If a customer is represented the orders are automatically filtered for the currently represented customer.

Tap an order to open order details. On the Order details page you can see all information about the order, invoicing and shipping as well as order status and signature:

Order Details

From the Order details page you can also print the order details and send it by e-mail with the attached PDF file. The sales agent can also reorder the previously purchased products. When you click Reorder the products from the order will be put to the basket where you can change the quantity of the products, remove or add the products.

Sana User GuideSana Mobile App