Knowledge BaseTroubleshooting


The Connectionerror.aspx Page is Shown

Information Message about the Connection Error 
If the 'connectionerror.aspx' page is shown while browsing a frontend please do the following:
  • Check if URL of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Application Server service is correct. In order to do this:
    • Open the 'Web.config' file of the 'Sana.Commerce.StarterSite' project in Visual Studio 2008 or any text editor
    • Locate the 'connectionStrings' configuration section

    • <connectionStrings>
    •     <add name="NAVFashionService" connectionString="NAVSERVICEURL"/>
          <add name="NAVStandardService" connectionString="NAVSERVICEURL"/>
  • Check the correctness of the NAS service URL ('NAVSERVICEURL' replace tag);
More information about configuring the frontend 'web.config' can be found in Step 11 for developer workstation installation and Step 13 for single server deployment.
  • Check if NAS service is launched already. In order to do this copy the NAS URL from the previous step to the address field. If NAS service is started the browser will show the information which will look like this:

    Feedback Information from NAS Service 

  • Check if remaining functionality of frontend still works. For example if the 'connectionerror.aspx' page appeared while you being browsing through the products section, try to open any pending order in the 'Pending orders' section;
  • Please check the error log to see if no errors appear after you performed all the steps described earlier. You can find more about using the error log here
You can also check the correct work of frontend by typing 'testapplication.aspx' in the 'address' field of your browser after the frontend domain name. If no problems were found you will see such message:
Website Indicates that it Works Correct
If something goes wrong a message about incorrect work of the certain module will be shown.
Please follow this link for more information about the 'testapplication.aspx' page. 
Knowledge BaseTroubleshooting