User GuideContent Management

Content Management

Manage E-Mail Templates

There are five different types of e-mail messages which are used in Sana Commerce: 'Change password', 'Forgot password', 'Order confirmation', 'Contact Us' and 'Tell a friend'. The layout of each e-mail message is defined in the e-mail template. Management of the e-mail templates content is performed on the  'E-mail templates' page of the 'Content management' module.
'Mail Management' Page
It is possible to edit the existing e-mail templates by clicking on the  icon. After this the 'Edit e-mail template' page is opened:
E-mail Editor
Managing Message Content
In order to customize the text of each e-mail template specific variables are used. These variables are automatically replaced with the appropriate values. General variables as well as the variables specific for each e-mail template are described below:
General variables (except 'Tell a friend')
Name Description
NAME The name of a customer in Sana Commerce - SQL Provider. In Sana Commerce - NAV Connector this variable is empty.
SURNAME The surname of a customer in Sana Commerce - SQL Provider. In Sana Commerce - NAV Connector this variable represents both the Name and the Surname of a customer.
Forgot password / Change password
Name Description
EMAIL The e-mail address of a customer.
PASSWORD The password of a customer.
SHOPNAME The name of a website.
Order confirmation
Name Description
ORDERADDRESS The billing and shipping addresses of an order.
ORDERNUMBER The number of an order.
ORDERDETAILS The details of an order.
ADDITIONAL_ORDER_INFORMATION The reference number, comments and the requested delivery date of an order.
SHOPEMAIL The e-mail address of a website.
SHOPPHONE The telephone number of a website.
SHOPNAME The name of a website.
Contact us
Name Description
COMPANYNAME The name of a company.
EMAIL The e-mail address of a message sender.
PHONE The phone of a message sender.
COMMENTS The comments of a message sender.
Tell a friend ([SHOPNAME] - Check out this product)
Name Description
SHOPNAME The name of a website. Note: only the SHOPNAME variable can be used in the e-mail template title.
USERNAME The name of a customer.
USEREMAIL The e-mail address of a customer.
PRODUCTTITLE The name of a target product. It consists of two variables: PRODUCTTITLE itself and PRODUCTURL. Note: separate variables are visible only in the HTML view.
PRODUCTURL The direct link to a target product. Note: This variable is only visible in the HTML view and is the part of the 'PRODUCTTITLE' variable.
WEBSITEDOMAIN The link to a website. You can read more about this variable below after the table. 
SHOPEMAIL The e-mail address of a website. This variable is not used at the moment but can be added to the template if needed.
SHOPPHONE The telephone number of a website. This variable is not used at the moment but can be added to the template if needed.
MESSAGE The text of message that is filled in by a customer on the frontend.
Adding Website URL to the E-Mail Template
 It is possible to create links to the website in the e-mail template. In order to do this just place the link to the page without specifying the domain name. Place [WEBSITEDOMAIN] variable instead of it, thus the backoffice will take the website domain of your production environment and will add it to the link automatically. For example, if you want to create the direct link to the home page of your website add the following line to the e-mail template text: [WEBSITEDOMAIN]/default.aspx 
User GuideContent Management