User GuideContent Management

Content Management

Manage Ratings and Reviews

The ratings and reviews are managed in the backoffice. The ratings and reviews are written by users of the web store and displayed on the product detail page after approval.  You can read more about this here.
The store administrator can have a general overview of all ratings and reviews.
Click on 'Ratings and Reviews' in the 'Content Management' menu in the backoffice to open the general overview.
Different filters may be applied in order to search for a certain product or review status.

'Ratings and Reviews' List General Overview
The reviews are sorted by date.  The first review is the newest one.
The ratings and reviews approval process has three statuses: 
  • 'Unprocessed' (this is the status when the web store user places the rating and review, not visible in the web store);
  • 'Approved' (the rating and review are visible to the users of the web store);
  • 'Disapproved' (the rating and review are not visible to the users of the web store).
The store administrator can quickly approve or disapprove unprocessed ratings and reviews. Click the 'Open unprocessed reviews ' button to open the pop-up window with all the unprocessed reviews.  One by one all the unprocessed reviews can be processed (approved or disapproved).
Approving the Reviews Using 'Open Unprocessed Reviews'  Option
The review status, title and description can also be edited.  Click the button  to open the review editor.
'Edit Review' General Overview
The site cache must be refreshed in order for approved ratings and reviews to be shown in the webshop.  To do this click 'Refresh site cache'.

The user is not informed that the review has been approved or disapproved.
User GuideContent Management