User GuideContent


Sana Commerce 8.2
Your provider

Product Landing Pages

Product landing pages can be managed in the 'Content' module of the Sana Commerce backoffice:

New Product Landing Page

On the product landing page of the frontend, unlike the product list pages, you cannot sort the products by item no. or title and no paging is available. All products will be shown at once in the sections.

The table below describes the fields of the 'Product landing page' template:

Fields Description
Title The title of a product landing page.
Group code Group code is used to group the multiple product landing pages that have multiple languages using a code.
Start & End dates The start and end dates can be set for the product landing page.  If empty, the product landing page will always be visible.
Header The header of the product landing page.
Show categories When the option 'Show categories' is activated the landing page displays the images which are linked to the sub-navigation item in the navigation tree.
(Area 1, 2, 3)
The title of the product landing page section of the products. This title is presented on the frontend.
Product set
(Area 1, 2, 3)
You can add three product sets to the product landing page by clicking the  button. In the 'Product sets' page overview you can select (by clicking the 'Select' button), edit or add a new product set.
For more information about how to edit the product sets, please read this chapter.
Footer The footer of the product landing page.
Channels Channels are used to publish a page to the webshop or several webshops.
For information about channels see 'Channels'.
User GuideContent