InstallationDeveloper Workstation Installation

Developer Workstation Installation

Install WCF Service

If NAV 2009 is used and Sana Commerce connects to the NAV database via the NAV 2009 Webservice then this step should be skipped.
This step is only needed when no other Sana Commerce projects are installed on the same machine, because this service component is shared between multiple Sana Commerce NAV services.
On which machine this component should be installed depends on the way Sana Commerce will connect to NAV. When you are using a NAS service, this service component must be installed on the same machine on which the NAS is running. When you are running the startup code unit of Sana Commerce from your NAV client, you have to install the service component on your local machine.
  • Copy the content of the 'Services' folder from the Sana Commerce installation directory to a local drive on the target machine;
  • Open the Visual Studio 2008 command prompt;

    The Path to the Visual Studio Command Prompt 

  • Run: 'regasm.exe Sana.Commerce.Navision.Service.dll /tlb:Sana.Commerce.Navision.Service.tlb'
    from the target folder selected in 'Compile the Solution in Visual Studio'. (Note that you should use 'regasm.exe Sana.Commerce.Navision.Service.dll /unregister', if you need to undo this step or register a new version);
  • Drag 'Sana.Commerce.Navision.Service.dll' to the GAC (C:\WINDOWS\assembly) in your Windows Explorer
    or run: 'gacutil /i Sana.Commerce.Navision.Service.dll' in the command prompt;
  • Open the target folder from 'Compile the Solution in Visual Studio', click right on the 'Sana.Commerce.Navision.Service.dll' file and select 'Properties';
  • Open the 'Security' tab and add 'Read' rights for the Windows user account running the NAS service or your own account if you are running it locally (see 'Install the NAS');
  • Do the same for the 'Sana.Commerce.Navision.Service.tlb' file.

    Adding 'Read Rights' for the Windows User
InstallationDeveloper Workstation Installation