InstallationDeveloper Workstation Installation

Developer Workstation Installation

Set Rights for WCF

If you are going to use NAV 2009 Web Service you can skip the steps 'Set Rights for WCF' and 'Start the NAS'.
You need Windows XP Service Pack 2 Support Tools to accomplish this step in Windows XP. Make sure that you have installed the optional tools, which can be downloaded here:;displaylang=en&familyid=49ae8576-9bb9-4126-9761-ba8011fabf38&displaylang=en
  • Open the NAV client, connect to the NAV administration and company;
  • Select the 'Sana Commerce Live' main menu item on the left;
  • Open the 'Setup' directory and click the 'Options' menu item;
For B2X webshop the 'Template Customer' , 'G/L Account No' and 'Payment Method Code' fields must be set to enable the correct work of B2C scenario.
To do this, select the 'General' tab and choose the customer template and payment methods which meet your webshop requirements.
  • Select the 'Single NAS setup' tab when using a single NAS setup. If multiple NAS services will be used, select the 'Multiple NAS setup' tab;
  • Select the protocol that will be used (HTTP or HTTPS) and enter the port number on which the WCF will be running (for NAV with Pebblestone Fashion module, the default port number is 6001, for NAV Standard it is 6002);

    Specifying the Port for the WCF Service

  • Click the 'Test' button to check whether the SC service has been properly configured. The following message will be shown:

    Test Completed Successfully

  • Run the following command (this command is case sensitive!) using the WIndows command prompt: 
    httpcfg set urlacl /u PROTOCOL://URL:PORTNUMBER/navision/ /a "O:AUG:AUD:(A;;GA;;;AU)" 
'HttpCfg.exe', which is required for this step, is not available in Windows Server 2008. Use 'Netsh.exe' instead (about which you can read here). In this case, the command will be the following:

netsh.exe http add urlacl url=PROTOCOL://URL:PORTNUMBER/nav/ user=\USER

Replace the 'USER' tag with the name of the user that will run the Sana Commerce service. Other tag descriptions are explained below.
  • Replace the following replace tags:
    #PROTOCOL#: protocol type (HTTP or HTTPS)
    #URL#: Change to:
         + : when the port registrations in the HTTP Server routing table are placed in the "Strong Wildcard" bucket;
         [hostname] : when the port registrations are placed in the "Explicit" bucket;
         [IP-address] : when the port registrations are placed in the "IP-bound Weak Wildcard" bucket;
         * : when the port registrations are placed in the "Weak Wildcard" bucket.
                  For more information about routing incoming requests, please visit the following link
              #PORTNUMBER#: must be replaced by the port number on which the NAS is running.
To see the detailed description of the 'Httpcfg' command syntax, please visit the following link 
As a result the message 'HttpSetServiceConfiguration completed with 0' should be shown:
Command was Executed Without Errors 
If the result is not '0', it means that an error has occurred while processing the command. In this case, please check if the format of the command is written correctly.
For more information about this, please read Also check this link when installing on Windows server 2008 or Windows Vista. 
InstallationDeveloper Workstation Installation