InstallationDeveloper Workstation Installation

Developer Workstation Installation

Setup NAV2009 Server

This chapter is needed only when you are going to use Sana Commerce with NAV 2009 three-tier environment. It describes the installation and configuration of MS Dynamics NAV 2009 Server and Web Services.
Be aware: if there is an older version of NAV already installed in the system during the installation of NAV 2009 the previous version will be deleted!
In order to install NAV 2009 Server and Web Services:
  • Run the installer from the NAV 2009 installation disk;
  • Click 'Choose an installation option':

    NAV 2009 Installer

  • Choose the 'Development Environment' option:

    Installation Options Page

After the installation is complete two new services will be available in the Windows 'Services' console:

NAV 2009 Services

 Now you should configure them properly. In order to do this:

  • Open the Windows 'Services' console;
  • Select 'Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server' service and open its preferences;
  • Choose ''Local System account' for the 'Log on as' option on the 'Log On' tab;

    Configuring the 'Log on as' Option

  • Select 'Microsoft Dynamics NAV Business Web Services' service and open its preferences;
  • Choose 'Automatic' from the 'Startup' dropdown list on the 'General' tab;
  • Choose 'Local System account' for the 'Log on as' option on the 'Log On' tab.

After finishing the configuration you should restart the services in the following order: the first is the 'Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server' and the second is the 'Microsoft Dynamics NAV Business Web Services'.

After completing the steps described earlier it is recommended to check the System application events in the Windows 'Event Viewer' in order to be sure that the services were started successfully.

System Application Events for NAV 2009 Services

If you are going to use debuging in the NAV 2009 three-tier environment please read the chapter 'Debug in NAV2009' in the 'How to' section.
InstallationDeveloper Workstation Installation