User GuideSetup


Sana Commerce 9.0
Your connector


There are ten different types of the e-mail messages that are used in Sana Commerce:
  • Change password
  • Forgot password
  • Order confirmation
  • Contact Us
  • Tell a friend
  • ERP connection available
  • ERP connection unavailable
  • Unprocessed order confirmation
  • Order payment
  • Payment confirmation

The content of each e-mail message is defined in the e-mail template.

To manage the content of the e-mail templates open Sana Admin and click: Setup > E-mails.

The content of the e-mail templates is multi-lingual. You can select one of the available languages and edit the content of the e-mail template in the selected language. You can sort e-mail template by its subject or template identifier.
Subject Template Identifier
Forgot password ForgotPassword
Order Confirmation OrderConfirmation
Your password has been changed ChangePassword
Contact us form ContactUs
[SHOPNAME] - Check out this product TellaFriend
[SHOPNAME] ERP connection available. Maintenace mode deactivated. ERPConnectionAvailable
[SHOPNAME] ERP connection not available. Maintenance mode activated. ERPConnectionUnavailable
Order Confirmation UnprocessedOrderConfirmation
Order Confirmation OrderPayment
Payment Confirmation PaymentConfirmation
In the e-mail templates 'replacement texts' are used. They can be recognized by the brackets in the text. These texts are automatically replaced by the external values when the e-mail is sent. These values are used in the entire webstore so when you add the 'replacement text' to the e-mail template it will be shown everywhere. Do not change or translate the 'replacement texts'.
General variables as well as the variables specific for each e-mail template are described in the tables below:
General variables (except 'Tell a friend')
Name Description
NAME The name of a customer in the Sana Commerce webstore.
Forgot password / Change password
Name Description
SHOPNAME The webstore name.
WEBSITEDOMAIN The link to the webstore.
Order and payment confirmation
Name Description
ORDERADDRESS The billing and shipping addresses of the sales order.
ORDERNUMBER The sales order ID.
ORDERDETAILS The sales order details.
ADDITIONAL_ORDER_INFORMATION The reference number, comments and the requested delivery date of the sales order.
SHOPMAIL The webstore e-mail address.
SHOPPHONE The webstore phone number.
SHOPNAME The webstore name.
WEBSITEDOMAIN The link to the webstore.
Contact us
Name Description
COMPANYNAME The company name.
PHONE The phone of the message sender.
COMMENTS The comments of the message sender.
Tell a friend ([SHOPNAME] - Check out this product)
Name Description
SHOPNAME The webstore name. Note: only the SHOPNAME variable can be used in the e-mail template subject.
USERNAME The name of the webstore customer.
PRODUCTTITLE The product title. It consists of two variables: the PRODUCTTITLE itself and the PRODUCTURL. Note: separate variables are visible only in the HTML view.
PRODUCTURL The direct link to the target product. Note: This variable is only visible in the HTML view and is the part of the 'PRODUCTTITLE' variable.
WEBSITEDOMAIN The link to the webstore. You can read more about this variable below. 
MESSAGE The message that added by a customer in the webstore.
Adding webstore URL to the e-mail template
It is possible to create links to the webstore in the e-mail template. In order to do this just place the link to the page without specifying the domain name. Place [WEBSITEDOMAIN] variable instead of it, thus Sana Admin will take the webstore domain of your production environment and will add it to the link automatically. For example, if you want to create the direct link to the home page of your webstore add the following line to the e-mail template text: [WEBSITEDOMAIN]/home 
The webstore information which is used for all system e-mails (shop name, shop phone number) can be changed in Sana Admin: Setup > Basics > Store information.
User GuideSetup