ERP User GuideMicrosoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise Edition

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise Edition

Product Images

Dynamics 365 Enterprise Edition gives a possibility to add product images and show them in the webshop.


You can equally use the procedure which Sana provides out-of-the-box and Dynamics 365 Enterprise Edition to add product images.

To add an image to a product in Dynamics 365 Enterprise Edition:

Step 1: Click: Organization administration > Document management > Document types.

In the Document types window you can create a document type for images and specify the location where the images should be stored.

The following locations are available:

  • Azure storage - Images are stored in Azure storage.
  • Database - Images are stored in the Dynamics 365 Enterprise Edition database.

Step 2: Set up general document management parameters. Click: Organization administration > Document management > Document management parameters.

For example, here you can set up maximum file size.

Step 3: In Dynamics 365 Enterprise Edition click: Product information management > Products > Released products. Select the necessary product and open the FactBox Pane on the right.

To add an image to a product, on the FactBox Pane, under the Product image FastTab, click Change image. You can add as many images as you need. If you add several images to the product, select the default one that should be shown on the product details page in the Sana webshop.

Images added from the FactBox Pane are automatically available in the Attachments window. To open product attachments, click the Attach button on the action pane.

From Attachments window you can manage product image visibility. To make a product image visible in the webshop select the Visible in webshop option.

Just in the same way you can add images to the product variants. When a customer selects a product variant from the dropdown list on the product details page the corresponding product image is shown.

Step 4: When images are added to the products in Dynamics 365 Enterprise Edition, run the Product import task in Sana Admin. Open Sana Admin and click: Tools > Scheduled tasks.

The Product import task retrieves product information from the database to build or update the webshop index.

Step 5: When the Product import task is completed, start the Product image import task.

Before running the task make sure that it is configured. Click Edit on the Product image import task and enable the option Import product images from ERP. In the Separator field enter the symbol that will be used to separate product image information in the product image filename, like item number, product variant code and order number.

For more information about product image import task, see 'Scheduled tasks'.

The Product image import task will retrieve all product images from Dynamics 365 Enterprise Edition, rename them according to the image file name format supported by the Sana webshop, and save all images to the 'ProductImages' directory of the Sana Commerce solution on the Web server.

Then the Product image import task will automatically resize all product images from the 'ProductImages' folder and put them according to the size to the 'Small', 'Medium' and 'Large' folders. This is done because product images of three different sizes are used in the Sana webshop.

For more information about product image import task and image sizes, see 'Product Images'.

When the Product image import task is completed, product images from Dynamics 365 Enterprise Edition will be shown in the Sana webshop.

ERP User GuideMicrosoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise Edition