ERP User GuideMicrosoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise Edition

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise Edition

Volume Prices

Volume pricing is a pricing strategy that allows discounts for bulk purchases. Typically, the greater the number of products purchased the greater discount.

Volume prices are triggered in the shopping basket based on the business logic coming from Dynamics 365 Enterprise Edition and are shown on the product details page. This way a customer can see the pricing offers directly on the product details page, before ordering the product.

In Dynamics 365 Enterprise Edition use trade agreements to set up pricing rules to be shown in the View Volume Discounts table on the product details page in the webshop.

To show volume prices in the Sana webshop, the Volume prices option should be enabled in Sana Admin.

If sales prices/ sales discounts are set for a product in Dynamics 365 Enterprise Edition and the Volume prices option is enabled in Sana Admin, then in the webshop on the product details page a customer will see a link View volume discounts under the product price. Clicking on this link opens the table with volume discounts coming from Dynamics 365 Enterprise Edition. The volume discounts are presented for each unit of measure and can be set up for a simple product as well as for each product variant.

The table View volume discounts on the product details page presents the following information:

  • The minimum quantity of products that the customer should purchase in order to gain the agreed discount.
  • Unit of measure (UOM) the customer can order in.
  • Sales price from the Trade agreements table or the calculated sales price based on the line discount.
  • The discount % from the Trade agreements table or the calculated % based on the unit price from the Released product details form and sales price from the Trade agreements table.

To set up sales prices/discounts in Dynamics 365 Enterprise Edition select a product and on the Sell tab click Create trade agreements. At first you should create a record in the journal. When the journal record is created, click Lines on the action pane.

Use the Journal linestrade agreement form to create trade agreements (sales prices/ discounts).

The following table provides description of the required trade agreement fields:

Field Description
Relation Specify the origin of the trade agreement, either a sales price or a discount.
Account code Define for whom the sales price/ discount should be valid, for an individual customer, then select Table, for a customer price group, then select Group, or for all customers.
If you set up the sales price/ discount for an individual customer or customer price group, then in the Account selection field select customer's account or group.
Item code Select whether the sales price/ discount should be valid for an individual product, item group or for all products.
If you set up the sales price/ discount for an individual product or item group, then in the Item relation field select the item number of the product for which the sales price/ discount should be set or item group.
If a product contains variants, you can set up sales price/ discount for each product variant using Configuration, Size, Color and Style.
Site Select the site where the product is stored.
Warehouse Select the warehouse where the product is stored.
From / To Enter the minimum quantity of products that the customer should purchase in order to gain the agreed sales price/ discount.
In the To field you can also enter the maximum quantity of products.
Unit Select the unit of measure for which the sales price/ discount will be valid and shown in the View volume discounts table on the product details page in the webshop. The sales price/discount is calculated for the sales unit of measure, thus this field is required.
Amount in currency If you create a trade agreement of the sales price type, enter the sales price in the Amount in currency field per unit in the currency that is selected in the Currency field.
If you create a trade agreement of the discount type, enter a discount % in the Discount percentage field on the Details FastTab.
Currency Select the currency that applies to the sales price in the Amount in currency field.

The difference between the trade agreements of the sales price and sales discount relation types is that using the sales prices you can specify the exact sales price, while using the sales discounts you can specify the discount percentage.

When trade agreements (sales prices/ discounts) are created, click Post on the action pane. The lines from the posted journal are used as volume prices and are shown on the product details page in the webshop.

For more information about the usage of sales prices in Sana Commerce, see 'Product Prices'.

ERP User GuideMicrosoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise Edition