

Product Entities and Fields in InRiver

inRiver's marketing model is very flexible in terms of setup. There is no standard structure or standard relations. Thus, you need to map correctly the inRiver entities and fields to Sana.

Using inRiver you can create more than just a dynamic set of fields for a model. inRiver allows to create multiple product types and store them separately as different entity types.

The inRiver data is passed to Sana through the server settings. Each server setting consists of Key and Value. Those server settings which are used for passing product data from inRiver to Sana have a certain structure, for example:


In this case, the Product entity type is used to create the setting. Nevertheless, there are a lot of entity types in inRiver and each entity type can include various set of fields.

In this way, inRiver allows to pass to Sana several product types with a completely different set of fields. For example, it is possible to create two settings, using two different entity types. The purpose of these settings will be to pass the fields to Sana, which will be used in Sana as product names.

The first setting:

The second setting:

As you can see, two entity types are used, Product and Item, to create the server setting.

Since inRiver is very flexible, you can take any entity types and fields and use them the way you need.

To use multiple entity types, you need to create a server setting. Go to the Settings in the inRiver Control Center and create the SANA_PRODUCT_ENTITY_TYPES server setting. Combine the entity types you are going to use in a single string. The values should be separated with semicolon. As a result, the setting value should look like this: Product;Item.


From the next sections you will learn how different data is passed from inRiver to Sana. As an example, we used Product entity type and its fields to create server settings and pass data to Sana, but you can use any other entity types which are more suitable for you.
