

Retrieve Product Visibility Based on inRiver Data

Products visibility is managed in the ERP system and all products which are marked as visible in web store in your ERP system are shown in the Sana web store. Once products are synchronized between Sana and ERP, you can also control products visibility directly in inRiver. There are two options on how you can do this in inRiver. But if you make the product invisible in your ERP system and rebuild the product index in Sana, this product will not be shown in the web store even if it is marked as visible in inRiver.

There are two ways of how you can manage products visibility in inRiver:

  • Visibility of a product based on a channel
  • Visibility of a product based on a Product Model field of a Boolean type

Visibility based on channel

All products which belong to the channel will be available in the Sana web store. To set up visibility of products based on the channel you need:

Step 1: Log in to the inRiver Enrichment Portal and open a channel you want to use for visibility check. You will need the entity Id of this channel from the URL to create a server setting.

Step 2: Go to the Settings in the inRiver Control Center. Create the SANA_VISIBILITY_CHANNEL_ID server setting and in the Value field enter the entity Id of the channel.

Step 3: When the server setting is created, you need to rebuild the product index. Open Sana Admin and click: Tools > Scheduled tasks. Run Rebuild index for the Product import task. Then, refresh the site cache.

Visibility based on the Product Model field

Using a field of a Boolean type from inRiver Product Model you can set visibility for each product separately for the Sana web store.

Step 1: Open the inRiver Product Model and in the Fields section find a field of a Boolean type or create a new one. You will need the Field Type Id of this field to create a server setting, which is ProductVisibility in this case.

Step 2: Go to the Settings in the InRiver Control Center and create the SANA_VISIBILITY_PRODUCT_FIELD_NAME server setting. In the value of this server setting enter the value of the Field Type Id.

The server setting should look in the following way: the key is SANA_VISIBILITY_PRODUCT_FIELD_NAME and the value is ProductVisibility.

Step 3: When the server setting is created, you need to rebuild the product index. Open Sana Admin and click: Tools > Scheduled tasks. Run Rebuild index for the Product import task. Then, refresh the site cache.


Visibility of products based on the channel has higher priority than the visibility based on the Product Model field. Thus, if you create both settings in inRiver, then only products from the channel will be available in the Sana web store.


Strict mode

In case you do not use the visibility settings in inRiver, then all visible in your ERP system products will be available in the Sana web store and there is a possibility that not all ERP products are present in inRiver. If you need to hide the products which do not exist in inRiver, then you should use a strict mode.

To enable the strict mode, go to the Settings in the inRiver Control Center and create the SANA_VISIBILITY_STRICT server setting with the value true.

This server setting will ensure that the products from your ERP system which do not exist in inRiver will not be shown in the Sana web store.
