ERP User GuideMicrosoft Dynamics NAV

Microsoft Dynamics NAV


Sales agents can place orders on behalf of their business customers. A sales agent can also create a prospect customer and place an order on behalf of this prospect. 
To allow sales agents to create prospects, the option Create prospects should be enabled in Sana Admin: Setup > Customer > Profile fields > Prospect profile. Here you can also manage the prospect profile form used in the webshop to create a prospect.
 For more information, see 'Profile fields'.
To create a prospect, log in to the webshop as a sales agent and on the My account page click Create a prospect order. You will see the Prospect details form where you need to enter the personal information of your prospect customer, like name and address.

Countries that are available in the Countries dropdown list are managed in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. To set up countries click: Administration > Application Setup > General > Countries/Regions. Make sure that the Visible in Webshop checkbox is selected and the Customer Template Code is set for all countries that should be available in the webshop. Customer templates store the necessary data for each country which is copied to the newly created prospect.
For more information, see ''Countries'.

If no customer template is available, you can create the one yourself:    

Step 1: Click: Sales & Marketing > Sales > Setup > Customer Templates.

Step 2: To create a new customer template the following fields are required to be filled: 

  • Code
  • Customer Posting Group
  • Gen. Bus. Posting Group
  • VAT Bus. Posting Group
Other fields are optional.
The ordering process for a prospect is almost the same as when a regular customer is represented. The only differences are:
  • There is no My account link for a prospect, because a prospect is not an independent customer until he or she is manually transformed to a customer, which can be done by a user in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
  • There is no possibility to save the order as an order template.
  • There is no possibility to choose the shipping address on the Shipping information step for a prospect. The billing address is taken from the prospect details, which you have entered previously. The shipping address is prefilled with the billing address data, but the sales agent can change it.

After the prospect order has been completed it is saved in Microsoft Dynamics NAV as a sales quote. The sales agent can continue working with this prospect or log out. But be aware that the prospect can be used only once and if you log out you will not be able to use it again or create orders for this prospect.

The user in Microsoft Dynamics NAV can create a sales order from a saved quote and a customer can be created based on the prospect.


The Countries/Regions table is also used to configure countries that should be available when a customer registers in the webshop online. For more information, see 'Online Customer Registration'.

See also:

VAT Registration No. Formats
ERP User GuideMicrosoft Dynamics NAV