ERP User GuideSAP Business One

SAP Business One


In SAP Business One you can add values of different fields in different languages. For example, you can add translations to the following field values:

  • Item name
  • Item description
  • Item group name
  • Units of measure names

If your web store is multi-lingual, the values of these fields can be shown in different languages in the web store. To do this, you need to configure all languages that are available in your web store also in SAP Business One.

At first you need to enable Multi-Language Support in SAP Business One: Administration > System Initialization > Company Details > Basic Initialization. This setting must be enabled even if your web store is only available in a single language.

In SAP Business One click: Administration > Setup > General > Languages.

Use the Languages - Setup window to map languages in SAP to the Windows Locale IDs. In this table you need to add Windows Locale IDs to the languages that are available in your web store. This is needed to show product titles, product descriptions, item groups, etc. in different languages from SAP in the web store.

You can click Apply Default, to add the default Locale IDs to all languages. If you need to add another language with a different locale ID, you can do this also.

By default the Sana web store is available only in the English language. Any other language can be installed with a language pack. For more information, see 'Supported Languages'.

The list of all Windows language IDs can be found here.

See also:
Languages - Setup Window

ERP User GuideSAP Business One