ERP User GuideMicrosoft Dynamics GP

Microsoft Dynamics GP


A Sana webshop supports multicurrency. This means that when a customer logs in to the Sana webshop, he or she will see prices in his or her local currency.

Multicurrency setup

If you are doing business in different countries and you want your customers to see prices in their local currency, the Multicurrency Management module should be enabled and setup in Microsoft Dynamics GP. To enable the Multicurrency Management module in Microsoft Dynamics GP, click: Tools > Setup > System > Registration.

Default currency setup

If multicurrency is enabled in Microsoft Dynamics GP, you need to set up the default currency. Click: Tools > Setup > Financial > Multicurrency. In the Multicurrency Setup window, use the Functional Currency field to setup the default currency. The functional currency is the primary currency that the company uses. It will be used, if there is no currency set for the customer.

If the Multicurrency Management module is disabled in Microsoft Dynamics GP, the default currency is taken from the webshop settings.

The default currency set for the Sana webshop is used only when multicurrency is disabled in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Currencies setup

To set up currencies in Microsoft Dynamics GP, click: Tools > Setup > System > Currency.

All currencies available in Microsoft Dynamics GP has the ISO code. This is the standard code of the currency as defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). If you create any custom currency (nonstandard), it should be linked to the ISO Code. If a custom currency is created and set for a customer, Sana will use the one that is linked to the ISO Code to comply with ISO standards.

All currencies which should be used in the Sana webshop must be set as visible in webshop.

There are two ways of how you can manage visibility of currencies, either using the standard Microsoft Dynamics GP window Currency Setup, or the Currency Setup window of the Sana Commerce add-on with the list of all currencies.

In the standard Microsoft Dynamics GP window Currency Setup, select the necessary currency and at the top click: Additional > Sana Commerce.

Use the Visible in Webshop checkbox to enable the currency for the Sana webshop. Only those currencies which are set as visible in webshop in Microsoft Dynamics GP will be indexed by Sana and used in the webshop.

You can also open the list of all available currencies and set the required currencies to Visible in Webshop. Click: Sana Commerce > Currency Setup.

Customer currency setup

Webshop visitors who are not logged in to the Sana webshop as a customer will see prices in the currency which is set for the customer template assigned to the webshop.

When a business customer logs in to the Sana webshop, the currency which is set in the customer master data in Microsoft Dynamics GP will be used. To setup customer's currency, open the Customer Maintenance window, select the customer, and click Options. In the Customer Maintenance Options window use the Currency ID field to set up the currency for the customer.

When a customer registers in the Sana webshop online, the currency which is set in the customer template associated with the country in Microsoft Dynamics GP, will be used for the customer.

For more information about countries setup, see "Countries".

Item currency setup

In Microsoft Dynamics GP click: Inventory > Cards > Item Currency. Use the Item Currency Maintenance window to assign all the necessary currencies to the item. If you don't use Multicurrency Management, you don't need to assign currencies to the items.


If you're using standard pricing and the pricing method is Percent of List Price, enter the List Price in the currency you're assigning to the item. You should enter the list price for each item currency.

ERP User GuideMicrosoft Dynamics GP