
In the Sana Commerce web store there are three places where a country should be selected:

  • Creating a new account - when a new customer registers in the web store online.
  • Create a prospect order - when a sales agent places an order on behalf of a prospect customer.
  • Shipping information - when a customer enters a shipping address in the shopping cart.

The countries which should be available in the web store are managed in SAP. To see the entire list of countries use the OY01 transaction code.

To select those counties which should be available in the web store use the Visible Counties table which can be accessed using transaction /n/sanaecom/a_tables.

For more information, see 'Visible Countries'.

For the correct functioning of the online customer registration and prospect functionality you should also specify the customer templates for each visible in web store country.

For more information about online customer registration in the web store and what should be configured for it, see 'Online Customer Registration'.