Web Store Attributes

Use the /SANAECOM/: Web Store Attributes table to set up web store attributes.

Web Store Attributes

The table below provides description of the fields in the /SANAECOM/: Web Store Attributes table.

Field Description
Culture ID The Culture ID is used to define Windows locale ID of the web store to correctly format all numbers and dates.
Language This field is used to specify language culture name of the default web store language.
Country Key Mapping of Country Key with Culture ID enables support of different date/time/decimal formats.
Shipping Method Indicates whether SAP has its own shipping methods which can be retrieved and mapped to the Sana Commerce internal shipping methods.
Shipping Origin Indicates whether SAP can provide a shipping origin for a customer.
Payment Cost It is used to reduce the need of customization for business customers that are using only the On Account payment method.
Zip Code Validation Indicates whether SAP requires only valid zip codes and they should be validated on the web store.
Quotes Supported Indicates whether SAP supports quote as an order document type.
Prepayments Supported Indicates whether SAP supports partial order prepayment for business customers.
Order Comment Max Length The maximum length of a single order comment line which can be stored in SAP.