Pricing Calculations

Use the /SANAECOM/: Pricing Calculations table to set up the default price calculation rules for the web store.

Pricing Calculations

The table below provides description of the fields in the /SANAECOM/: Pricing Calculations table.

Field Description
Website ID This is the identifier (name) of the Sana Commerce web store. It should be exactly the same as the one specified during installation of Sana Commerce web store on Web and database server and that is stored in the Sana Commerce SQL database.
Default: 'SanaStore'
Sales Price This field is used to specify the default product pricing group for the web store.
Discount Amount This field is used to specify the discount pricing group for the web store.
Discount Percent This field is used to specify the discount percentage pricing group for the web store.
Tax This field is used to specify the tax group for the web store.
Payment Discount This field is used to specify the payment discount pricing group for the web store.