Customer Address

When you create a master record for a customer in SAP, you must select an account group. The account group determines which master data will be used for a customer, including the valid partner functions.

If a customer who places an order is the same who receives the goods, invoices and pays the order you need to create the customer master record for the sold-to party where you will be able to enter data required for other partner functions.

In SAP the address information which is stored in the customer master data under the Address tab is used in the web store as the billing address of a customer.

For customers who register in the web store online the billing address is used as the shipping address, but a customer can enter the custom shipping address.

Business customers can have multiple shipping addresses. To add a shipping address to a customer in SAP you should add the Ship-to party partner function to the customer. This can be done in the sales area data of the customer under the Partner Functions tab. To add multiple shipping addresses, you will need to add multiple corresponding ship-to parties.

All shipping addresses available for a business customer in SAP are shown on the Shipping information checkout step in the Sana web store. A customer can select the necessary shipping address from a list to which he or she wants the order to be delivered.

In SAP the Payer partner function can be also added to a customer. This is the main partner responsible for paying the bill. The address of the partner with the Payer function can differ from other customer's addresses. If a customer has a Payer partner function in SAP, the payer address will be shown on the order details page in the Sana web store.