System Attributes

Use the /SANAECOM/: System Attributes table to set up web store attributes.

The table below provides description of the fields in the /SANAECOM/: System Attributes table.

Field Description
Website ID Enter Sana web store ID. It should be exactly the same as the one specified during installation of the Sana web store on Web and database server and that is stored in the Sana database. Default: 'SanaStore'.

If you have multiple web stores, you can set up system attributes for each Sana web store.

Culture ID The Culture ID and Country Key are used for correct formatting of all numbers and dates. In the Culture ID field enter the Windows locale ID of the Sana web store and in the Country Key field enter the corresponding two-character ISO code of the country in SAP. For each country in SAP date and decimal character format is configured. This is needed for the correct formatting of dates and numbers when the Sana web store communicates with SAP.
Country Key
Language This field is used to specify language culture name of the default web store language.
Order Type

Select the order type. It can be a standard order or a quotation. The selected order type defines the final sales document which will be created in SAP when the order is placed from the Sana Commerce web store.

For more information, see 'Order Processing'.
Quotation Promotable Use this option to allow or deny conversion of a quotation into a sales order without approval directly from the Sana web store.

If this option is enabled and the ordering process uses quotations which can be converted into sales orders, a customer can place a quotation and convert it into a sales order directly from the Sana web store.For such quotations the Quote Promotable checkbox is selected by default under the Sana tab in the quotation header data.

If this option is disabled a customer can convert a quotation into a sales order only when it is approved. When the quotation is created from the Sana web store, it should be checked by the e-commerce manager in SAP. After this it can be approved by selecting the Quote Promotable checkbox under the Sana tab in the quotation header data. When the quotation is checked and approved, the customer can convert it into the sales order.

Zip Code Validation Enable this option to validate zip codes in the Sana web store. If you require you customers to enter zip code during online registration in the web store, it can be validated based on the checks set in SAP.
Support minimum quantity Enable these options, if you want to use minimum order quantity and delivery unit set for the materials in SAP.

For more information, see 'Material Quantity'.

Support quantity step
No Days of Ord/Quote Expiration In SAP a quotation has an expiration date. It can be seen in the field Valid to under the Sales tab of the quotation.

In the No Days of Ord/Quote Expiration field you can enter the number of days for which the quotation should be valid. This value will be used for all quotations created from the Sana web store. If the quotation is not processed within the expiration period, it will expire, meaning that a customer will not be able to convert it into a sales order.

If you leave this field empty, quotations will not have an expiration period.