Units of Measure

Sana Commerce provides customers a possibility to select with which unit of measure he or she wants to order the product.

Many units of measure are available by default in the SAP database, but you can create additional units of measure.

To manage the list of units of measure in SAP use the transaction code CUNI.

The units of measure names can be translated to any language in SAP. If your web store is multi-lingual, the names of the units of measure will be shown in the selected language.

Set up base and sales units of measure

For each product you can set up base and sales units of measure. By default, the sales unit of measure is used by Sana, but if it is not available, the base unit of measure will be used.

If the option Variable Sales Unit Not Allowed is enabled, only the sales unit of measure will be used and shown for a product in the Sana web store. If there are other units of measure for a product, they will be ignored. 

Set up multiple units of measure for a product

You can set up multiple units of measure for a product to control conversion between units of measure. For example, you can convert pieces into box, determining how many products are in one box. By setting up the conversion rules for the units of measure the price and stock level will be automatically adjusted in the Sana Commerce web store as all calculations are done by SAP. Multiple units of measure for a product can be set in the additional data of the material under the Units of measure tab.

To give customer a possibility to select a unit of measure in the web store you should also enable the Units of measure selection option in Sana Admin: Setup > Products > Units of measure. For more information about units of measure settings in Sana Admin, see 'Products'.

If multiple units of measure are added to the material in SAP and Unit of measure selection is enabled in Sana Admin, then in the web store there will be a dropdown list where a customer can select with which unit of measure he/she wants to order the product. If there are no units of measure in SAP for a product or Units of measure selection is disabled in Sana Admin, then only the base unit of measure will be shown for a product in the web store, or you can hide units of measure at all.