Sana Commerce 9.1
Your connector

Plants and Inventory

The delivering plant refers to the plant from which the goods are to be delivered to the customer, within a specific sales organization and distribution channel. The delivering plant is also used to calculate inventory. The plant can be automatically proposed by the system when processing a sales order, if it has been maintained in one of the master records or a web store. It can be derived from:

  1. web store
  2. customer/product info record
  3. customer master record of the ship-to party
  4. material master record

Which delivering plant should be used to calculate inventory is defined according to priority as in the list above.

Stock is shown in a Sana web store on all product pages. This can be a simple text, a stock indicator of different colors, or a stock amount. Stock amount is retrieved from and calculated by SAP real-time. Thus, when customers place orders from a Sana web store, stock is automatically adjusted by SAP.

For information on how to change stock presentation in the Sana web store read about custom stock texts. More information about stock settings you can also find in the 'Products' article.

In SAP use the /SANAECOM/: Storage Location Sana admin table to set up the delivering plant and storage location for a web store. For more information, see 'Storage Location'.

You can set up one storage location for the web store or you can add multiple records for the web store and define several storage locations for a single web store. If you add multiple storage locations for the web store, total stock will be calculated based on all storage locations and shown in the web store.

To configure the delivering plant in the Customer Material Info Record use the following transaction codes:

  • Create Customer-Material Info Record (VD51)
  • Change Customer-Material Info Record (VD52)
  • Display Customer-Material Info Record (VD53)

You can set the plant in the Shipping area of the Customer Material Info Record.

Use the following transaction codes to set the plant in the Customer master record:

  • Create Customer (XD01)
  • Change Customer (XD02)
  • Display Customer (XD03)

Open Sales area data and under the Shipping tab choose the delivering plant.

Use the following transaction codes to define the delivering plant in the Material master record:

  • Create Material (MM01)
  • Change Material (MM02)
  • Display Material (MM03)

Under the Sales organization 1 tab set the delivering plant.


Using transaction Other Goods Receipts (MB1C) in SAP you can manage stock amount per plant and storage location.