ERP User GuideMicrosoft Dynamics NAV

Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Online Invoice Payments

Sana allows business customers to pay outstanding invoices online using a credit or debit card through a payment service provider directly from a webshop. Business customers can pay multiple outstanding invoices at the same time. Online payments of the open invoices from a Sana webshop are seamlessly integrated with the sales order processing and accounts receivable modules of Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

For more information about how to pay invoices from a Sana web store and online invoice payments setup, see "Online Invoice Payments".

How it works

Payments from customers must be registered in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. There are different types of journals, for example payment journal or cash receipt journal, which can be used to post payment transactions to G/L, bank, customer, vendor, and fixed assets accounts.

If you allow your business customers to pay their invoices with automatic payment journal creation, then when a customer pays the invoice, the record in the journal will be created automatically in Microsoft Dynamics NAV, and the payment will be registered on the required account set in the journal setup. If a customer pays several invoices at once, for each invoice a separate record will be created in the journal in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

A business customer can have a related bill-to customer account in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. It may be that the order is created by one customer and shipped to this customer, but the invoice should be sent to a different customer. In this case the payment journal will be posted to the bill-to customer account.

When the payment journal has been created, an accountant can post the journal in Microsoft Dynamics NAV, or it can be posted automatically, to capture the payment in the journal against the invoice.

Set up invoice payments

To accept invoice payments from a Sana web store, in Microsoft Dynamics NAV click: Departments > Webshop > Lists > Webshops. Open the Webshop Card and on the General FastTab select the required Journal Template and Journal Batch.

The journal template and the journal batch are used to create the appropriate journal in Microsoft Dynamics NAV, when a customer pays the invoice, and to post the payment transaction to a certain account set in the journal batch. You can use any type of journal to post payment transactions.

Select the Auto Post Inv. Payments checkbox, if you want payment journals to be posted automatically in Microsoft Dynamics NAV when the customers pay their invoices.

For example, if you use cash receipt journal, then in Microsoft Dynamics NAV click: Departments > Financial Management > Cash Management > Tasks > Cash Receipt Journals.

If you use payment journal, then in Microsoft Dynamics NAV click: Departments > Financial Management > Cash Management > Tasks > Payment Journals.

If you use any other journal, then open it.

In the journal window, you can see all payment journal records created for invoices paid by the customers from a Sana web store, and you can post payment transactions to the required account or payment journals can be posted automatically, if the option Auto Post Inv. Payments is enabled on the Webshop Card. Only when the journal is posted in Microsoft Dynamics NAV, the payment status of the invoice in the Sana web store will be set to Already paid.

If you allow your business customers to pay their invoices with manual payment journal creation, then when a customer pays the invoice, an accountant should manually handle such payments and create a record in the journal in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

An invoice can have a due date in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. It is calculated based on the payment term set on the Customer Card, on the Payments FastTab. If you have entered the payment terms code on the customer card, NAV will use the appropriate payment term when you invoice the customer. If the invoice is not paid within the due date, it will expire, meaning that a customer will not be able to pay this invoice.

Payment discount


Applies to: Sana 9.3.3

Payment discounts are used to encourage customers to settle their debts as soon as possible. It can be granted when a customer pays his or her invoice prior to the due date.

To set up a payment discount, in Microsoft Dynamics NAV click: Financial Management > Receivables > Setup > Payment Terms.

The table below provides the description of the fields necessary to set up a payment term.

Field Description
Code Enter an ID of a payment term.
Due Date Calculation Specify the formula that is used to calculate the date that a payment must be made.

For example, if the payment must be made in one installment after two weeks, enter 14D.
Discount Date Calculation Specify the formula that is used to calculate the date that a payment must be made in order to obtain a discount.
Discount % Enter a discount percentage which will be applied to an invoice, if a customer pays for it on time according to the payment term.

You must add a payment term to the customer on the Payments FastTab, in the Payment Terms Code field.

If the payment discount is calculated for the invoice, the customer will see two different invoice amounts in the invoices history - the total amount without the payment discount and the outstanding total amount with the payment discount.

The information about the payment discount and its date is shown on the posted invoice details page in the Sana webshop.

ERP User GuideMicrosoft Dynamics NAV