ERP User GuideMicrosoft Dynamics NAV

Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Blanket Sales Orders

A blanket sales order is a long-term agreement between a seller and a customer. A blanket order is typically made when a customer has committed to purchasing large quantities that are to be delivered in several smaller shipments over a certain period of time.

A blanket sales order could be used, for example, if a customer places an order of 1000 units of an item and he or she wants the items to be delivered in 250 units every week over the next month.

Customers can use blanket sales orders created in Microsoft Dynamics NAV in the Sana webshop. Blanket sales orders can be used in Sana only by B2B customers and sales agents.

On the Sales agreements page, a customer can see all blanket sales orders available to him or her and create an order based on the agreements that the customer has with the merchant.

A customer can see all the details of the available sales agreements by clicking View details.

This information is taken from the blanket sales orders in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

To allow your customers to create sales orders based on the agreements stated in the blanket sales orders, you need to enable the option Sales agreements in Sana Admin: Setup > Ordering & checkout > Ordering.

For more information about how to use blanket sales orders in the Sana webshop, see "Sales Agreements".

Sales agreement limitations

Here are some limitations that you might need to know if you are going to use sales agreements.

  1. Sales agreements work with the Default order processing strategy only and are not available if you use one of the following strategies:
    • Optimize for fast ordering
    • Optimize for large orders
  2. B2B customers cannot edit sales orders created using sales agreements.
  3. Sales agreements are not supported for quotes.
  4. Sales agreements are not available when Sana is in the maintenance mode.

Create a blanket sales order

In Microsoft Dynamics NAV click: Sales & Marketing > Order Processing > Lists > Sales Blanket Orders.

When you create a blanket sales order, it is necessary to:

  1. Select a customer on the General FastTab, in the Sell-to Customer No. field, with whom you have sales agreements defined in the blanket sales order and to whom the items will be shipped. When you enter the customer number, Microsoft Dynamics NAV will retrieve information about this customer from the customer card.
  2. On the Lines FastTab, create separate lines for each sales agreement you have with your customer (shipment). For instance, if your customer wants 1000 units of a product split out equally between four weeks, you would enter four separate lines of 250 units each.

You can fill in all other fields of the blanket sales order the way you need. For example, you can:

  • Select a bill-to customer number and enter payment information on the Invoicing FastTab.
  • Select a shipping address on the Shipping FastTab. It will be used as a default shipping address of a customer. It will be shown in the header of a sales agreement in the Sana webshop. A customer will be able to change it while placing an order based on the sales agreement.

When a customer creates a sales order based on the blanket sales order (sales agreements), it will contain all the lines from the blanket order. There is a link between the sales order and the blanket order from which it is created.

When the sales order is posted as shipped and/or invoiced in Microsoft Dynamics NAV, the Quantity Shipped and Quantity Invoiced fields will be updated in the related blanket order. Thus, the customer can always see the up to date information of the sales agreement in the Sana webshop.

When all agreements stated in the blanket sales order lines are completely fulfilled by the customer (all items are shipped), the blanket order will be closed and the customer will not be able to create another order based on the blanket order.
For more information about how to create blanket sales orders, refer to the official Microsoft Dynamics NAV Guide: How to: Create Blanket Sales Orders.

ERP User GuideMicrosoft Dynamics NAV