ERP User GuideSAP Business One

SAP Business One

Sana Commerce 9.3
Your connector

Units of Measure

Sana supports multiple units of measure for a product which can be configured in SAP Business One. If there are multiple units of measure for a product, a customer can choose the necessary one. When a customer changes the unit of measure, the price of a product is automatically adjusted based on the conversion rules.

Manage the list of units of measure

In SAP Business One click: Administration > Setup > Inventory > Units of Measure.

Use the Units of Measure window to manage the list of available units of measure.

You can make any unit of measure visible or invisible in the web store. Click on the Set UoM Visibility button to make a unit of measure visible or invisible. If a unit of measure set to Invisible, it will not be used in the web store.

The units of measure names can be translated into different languages. Click on the Translations button in the UoM Name field.

Unit of measure groups

In SAP Business One click: Administration > Setup > Inventory > Unit of Measure Groups.

A unit of measure group is a set of units of measure that you can use for a certain product. Each unit of measure group has a base unit of measure. All other units of measure belonging to this group are related to this base unit of measure by conversion rules.

You can assign a unit of measure group to an item. When you use different units of measure for the item, SAP Business One automatically processes the differences in units of measure according to their conversion rules. There you can specify quantity values that match the conversion rate between the alternate unit of measure and the base unit of measure. For example, you can convert pieces into box, determining how many items are in one box.

Open the Item Master Data of the item to assign a unit of measure group. Use the UoM Group field in the general area of the item master data to assign the unit of measure group to the item. Any unit of measure in a group can be made visible or invisible for a specific item. In the Group Definition window click UoM Settings. Select which units of measure from a group should be visible in the web store for the item. You can also set up quantity settings for each unit of measure of a product. For more detailed information, see "Product Quantity".

Set up sales unit of measure

For each item you should set up sales unit of measure. This can be done in the Item Master Data, on the Sales Data tab. Sales unit of measure set for an item is used as the default one.

Click the Browse button on the right of the Sales UoM Code field to select the sales unit of measure for the item.

Set up units of measure in Sana Admin

To give a customer possibility to select a unit of measure in the web store, you should also set up units of measure settings in Sana Admin: Setup > Products > Units of measure. For more information about units of measure settings in Sana Admin, see "Products".

If multiple units of measure are not set for an item in SAP Business One, only the sales unit of measure set in the Item Master Data will be shown in the web store.

If multiple units of measure are added to an item in SAP Business One, and Unit of measure selection is enabled in Sana Admin, then a customer will be able to select with which unit of measure he or she wants to order the product.

See also:
Item Weight and Dimensions
Units of Measure - Setup
Setting Up Unit of Measure Groups

ERP User GuideSAP Business One