Sana Commerce 9.3
Your connector

Webstore Activation

Sana allows to accept orders even when your webstore is not connected to your SAP system. This allows to continue business operations without interruption, even when connection to SAP is not available for some reasons. When there is no connection between Sana and SAP, Sana automatically enables the maintenance mode.

The maintenance mode can be enabled manually in Sana Admin and in SAP.

To deactivate your webstore in SAP, in the main menu of the Sana add-on (/n/sanaecom/webstore), click Webstore Configuration. Select your webstore and click Change Webstore Settings.

In the general area of the Webstore Configuration window, you can deactivate your webstore. When you deactivate the Sana webstore in SAP, there will be no connection between Sana and your SAP system, and the webstore will work in the maintenance mode. It works the same as the maintenance mode which you can activate and deactivate in Sana Admin.

It can be useful, if you need to update the Sana add-on in SAP or some data, and you want to check everything before your changes apply to the Sana webstore.