Sana Commerce 9.2
Your connector

Partner Functions

Use the /SANAECOM/: Partner Functions Sana admin table to set up the partner functions for sales agents and contacts.

A partner function identifies account group roles and responsibilities within the sales transactions. It refers to the rights, roles and responsibilities a business partner can take on in a business transaction. Different partner functions can be assigned to the customer in SAP. For more information, see "Customer Account Group Mapping".

You can import either all sales agents and contacts from SAP to Sana, or only those which are assigned to a certain partner function.

By adding the partner functions to the /SANAECOM/: Partner Functions Sana admin table, only those sales agents and contacts which are assigned to the selected partner functions will be indexed and used by Sana. If you do not add any partner functions to this table, all sales agents and contacts which exist in SAP will be imported to Sana. This way you can import only those sales agents and contacts from SAP to Sana which are allowed to purchase online through the Sana web store, and filter out those which are not needed, not to import the unnecessary data.

The table below provides description of the fields in the /SANAECOM/: Partner Functions table.

Field Description
Webstore Id Enter Sana web store ID. It must be the same as the one specified during installation of the Sana web store on Web and database server and that is stored in the Sana database.
Default: "SanaStore"
Sales agent Select the necessary partner function to import only those sales agents which are assigned to it or leave this field empty to import all sales agents.
Contact Select the necessary partner function to import only those contacts which are assigned to it or leave this field empty to import all contacts.

You can also set up web store filters for sales agents and contacts in SAP. If you don't use sales agents and contacts at all, you can also disable indexing of sales agents and contacts in the customer import task settings.